Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jacobi only worked to improve the parks close to his house & his daughters' homes ..Autumn Sunset & Brook Falls. Voted for the park lights because he likes to walk his dog after dark in those parks.
  Total cost of the lights for those two parks, $453,910 Dollars!!!   Plus the lights are LEASED not Purchased, so how is Windcrest Debt Free, when the Lease is 60 months? 
Jacobi Tries to take credit for Fire Department equipment,  but Jacobi voted along with the rest of council to allocate $72,000 for fire equipment for the 2016-17 fiscal year.  That's his Job, so how is this a Highlight?
Jacobi, Shelton and McFall  voted against transparency last year when council threw out 3 of the Charter Review Commission's recommended amendments which would have allowed more transparency. One was for requiring crime stats be made public as they had been in the past.

Jacobi and Shelton both voted AGAINST allocating $75,000 to Repair the wooden beams on the front of city hall.
  Dodson made the motion to fix the beams, Shelton argues against it because he doesn't want to take anymore money away from the parks. 3-2 it fails. Jacobi, Shelton & Matt against.  Dodson made another motion for $50,000 to repair the beams, it passes 3-2 with Jacobi and Shelton Voting Against.

 Jacobi is on the Street committee and you know the conditions of the Streets!  Each year Jacobi and Shelton say they will wait until after Light-up then start Street Repairs.  Same story every year, but we have Park Lighting to the tune of well over $500,000.  

  Vote these guys off council.  Vote Archuleta, Pedrotti and Dodson, plus Vote NO to the recall of Wright.

Windcrest needs Change!

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