Friday, October 7, 2016

Do Not Vote the Dark Side

    A resident recently expressed his definition of the "Dark Side."  I.e. the Mayor gets caught cursing and threatening an employee, yet Shelton, McFall and Jacobi find him Not Guilty.  Many say that's the Dark Side or 'Shady' to say the least.

Do NOT vote for the "Dark Side" these short clips should help you decide.  View the videos below while thinking about this:

  Then a u-Tube video showing these three along with the Mayor having a little private pre-council, get the vote straight meeting in the trailer behind city hall.   Next they erect those Black political signs in violation of the sign Ordinance.    Yet another 'Shady' maneuver so they have earned the title of operating on the Dark Side.

 Gerd Jacobi tells the world that the three new council people are trying to dismantle their current procedures and we will never be able to work together.  What procedures would that be you ask.  The procedures where the Mayor floats an  idea, we ALL approve, much like Bobble Heads.

 Jim Shelton and James McFall address the subject of Guilty until Proven Innocent

 Jim Shelton is on the Street committee and paints a rosy picture of our streets.  The Mayor even states the streets are Not bad.  For the last three years they float the same theme:  Road Repairs will commence AFTER lightup.  Check it out, every year the same, kick the can down the road.  San Antonio kicked the can down the road for a number of years, meanwhile gave their city manager huge pay increases, now this year they have a 50 million bond package to repair their streets and alleys.  This administration has Windcrest headed in the same direction.  Lower taxes, delay street/alley repairs, let the next administration float the Bond to fix things.
Not that bad

Shelton says this about TRANSPARENCY, Citizens will never know!!

Gerd "Jake" Jacobi Insults San Antonio and those on the South Side!

 Jim Shelton Shirks the duties of Mayor Pro- Tem.  Says the idea is Childish.

Mayor Says Alleys Good,  Windcrest needs Soccer Fields, T Ball Field Lights,  After installing nearly $400,000 worth of park lighting what does he have in mind for the little league fields.?

Jacobi and Shelton plus McFall voted off last election, were part of the Three-Some that approved everything and anything mentioned by the Mayor, without question.

  Windcrest Should replace Jacobi, Shelton and McFall.  Recommend you Vote

  Vote Dodson   Vote Pedrotti    Vote Archuleta

Vote NO to the Recall Proposition and KEEP KIM

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