Sunday, August 21, 2016

Restore Windcrest Integrity!

 Vote to Elect Frank Archuleta, Joan Pedrotti to Windcrest City Council and Re-Elect Pam Dodson to City Council to bring Integrity back to City Council.  It's time to change the leadership at Windcrest City Hall!.
Windcrest residents voted out half of the City Council last election, now it's time for the other two to move on.  Jim Shelton and Jake Jacobi should be replaced, so get out and Vote.  These two sitting Council Persons always vote as if on remote control.  They often have meetings in the trailer before council sessions to align their votes with the Mayor's wishes.
  When the Mayor was accused of  "Cursing Out"  the Fire Chief, these two voted 'Not Guilty'.  These two approved of Cursing out employees and proudly voted Not Guilty.
  Next Jim Shelton and Jake Jacobi blasted a council person for not saying the Pledge like they do. Forget one's Rights,  they just Trampled over those rights because there is no one to stop them. Your Vote will stop them, so get out and Vote.
    Those that served our nation, served to protect the 1st amendment rights, now these two want to ignore those rights because they think they are better than everyone else.  
  Vote Frank Archuleta for Place 1, Joan Pedrotti for Place 2 and Re-Elect Pam Dodson for Place 3 and get Windcrest back to normal.  It's time for to a Change in Leadership!  Vote to restore Integrity back in Windcrest City Council!

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