Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Open Meeting Violation!

City Council Members are prohibited from meeting with a Quorum of Council Members.  If they meet that's a violation of the Open Meetings Act.  The attached video shows three council members, Jim Shelton, James McFall and Gerd Jocobi along with the Mayor walking to and entering the old WEDC trailer behind city hall shortly before a scheduled meeting. James McFall was voted off council Place 4 shortly after this video and now has returned as a candidate for Place 2.

  Windcrest Citizens voted James McFall off council last November, now it's time for Windcrest Citizens to vote Jim Shelton and Gerd "Jake" Jacobi off City Council as well.  Citizens should not vote James McFall back onto Council.  These guys have lost their Moral Compass as they have no qualms about violating the Open Meetings Act.

  There are three candidates running for Council this November.  Pamela Dodson is running for Re-Election to Place 3, newcomer Joan Pedrotti is running for Place 2 and Frank Archuleta is runing for Place 1.
  Pamela Dodson has demonstrated on many occasions during her tenure on City Council that her Moral Compass is in Tact.
  Joan Pedrotti has demonstrated during her pre-retirement employment that her Moral Compass is in Tact

  Frank Archuleta, Lt. Colonel Retired, US Army demonstrated a fine Moral Compass throughout his military career.

  Vote for: Frank Archuleta, Place 1
                 Joan Pedrotti, Place 2
                   Pamela Dodson, Place 3

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