Monday, October 7, 2013

Windcrest Fire Chief Resigns!!!

 Dan Reese, Windcrest Fire Chief, resigned as the Windcrest Fire Chief.  Several citizens recently addressed City Council asking they consider a pay increase for the Fire Chief, saying the Fire Chief deserved better than minimum wage.  The mayor and council ignored the citizens' comments and approved a final 2013-14 budget with the Fire Chief position funded at minimum wage.
  The FY 2013-14 proposed budget shows the title as Volunteer Fire Chief.  In all previous budget years, the title has been Fire Chief, NOT Volunteer Fire Chief.

  Meanwhile the City is on schedule to spend over $300,000 on pond upgrades.  That pond, by the way, receives its main source of water from run-off from Crestway Drive. You gotta ask!  Where are their Priorities?

   Chief Reese is a well respected, exceptionally capable professional Fire fighter and EMT.  The loss of Chief Reese is a great loss to the Citizens of Windcrest.

 The title of this Blog" "Windcrest Needs New Leadership" says it ALL.  Refusing to pay the Windcrest Fire Chief above minimum wage should put all doubts to rest, Windcrest Definitely Needs New Leadership.  

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