Thursday, October 31, 2013

Where is the Budget?

 The Windcrest leadership must believe the Citizens of Windcrest do NOT need to see the budget.  The FY2013-14 budget was approved back in September.  Tomorrow is Nov 1 and the new adopted budget is still not available.  One has to assume the numbers do not match or something else is amiss.  The proposed budget had WEDC some $102,000 over budget.  The City Manager is responsible for presenting a Balanced budget to council.  Did Rafael Castillo, City Manager, even look at the numbers?  Why did Mr. Castillo forward to council a budget with one department projected to spend $102,000 more than expected revenue?
  Recently in another blog the author suggested 'Fuzzy Math", well, maybe he hit on something.

  During Oct  21st council meeting Mayor Alan Baxter told citizens there was only one employee with a severance package.  Folks, there are TWO with Severance packages.  Rafael Castillo has a severance package worth 4 Months salary and benefits plus $5,000 for mortgage "Closing Costs" if he purchases a home in Windcrest.   Then Robert Colunga has a severance package worth 4 months salary.  These severance packages are included in their Professional Service Agreements on file at city hall.

  You gotta wonder, if there are two severance packages and Mayor Baxter says there is only one, what else is he not revealing?  Sounds a bit like "I'll tell you what you NEED to know."

  Together these packages approach $100,000 but don't worry, these numbers are NOT included in the budget.  The $100,000 is surely a liability and previous budgets have had severance dollars listed in the budget.  Look at the budget line item for Termination Payout.  

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