Friday, October 5, 2018

Pay as you Go- Without Bonds

Vote NO on Propositkon 1, Street Bond.  Read the suggested alternative outlined below.
Alternative to Bond
Normal street fund each year.
Decrease WEDC by 1/8%
Gary Cain's ibc bank cd
Reduce current Dept spending by 10%
Ad valorem received by adding the .11 cents like the Bond would have
Projected Increased sales taxes due to Qtrip etc
increased property tax new construction
Available for Streets year 1

Note the $736,958 is the NET gain of adding the .11 cents as if Bond was in place.

That’s nearly $2,000.000  Milion Dollars in year 1 WITHOUT a Bond.
Remember, the proposed Street Bond is $7.4 Million for 20 YEARS that will cost $4 Million in INTEREST alone.  That’s $4 Million we can use to repair streets without the Bond.  Vote NO

The Auditor’s report has a section on City Debt.  The Auditors stated Windcrest has debt.  Large sums of dollars are deducted day one of each budget year to pay for Leased items.  That is Debt Folks, the Auditors detailed the debt in their report.

Our Debt Free city has $91,100 deducted day one of each budget year for the Leased Park Lighting.  That will be paid off in 2021.  So add this $91,100 to the Streets.

Our Debt Free city has $42,000 Leased Street Sweeper, annual payments day one of budget year.

Approving the Volunteer Fire Association By-Laws and Agreement will enable the Fire Association to resume collecting funds for Fire Department Equipment.  Remember, this was placed on Hold for all of 2017 and 2018.  This was a very costly needless delay by the council majority.  Had the VFA been allowed to continue fund raising in 2017 and 2018 they could have easily raised sufficient fund for a replacement ladder truck.  
Remember, this Fire Association donated $300,000 towards the last new vehicle purchased by the Fire Department. 

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