Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pedrotti For Council Place 2

Elect Joan Pedrotti to Windcrest City Council Place 2.  

Joan Pedrotti would be a welcome addition to the Windcrest City Council.  These are the quotes from her campaign literature.

Elect Joan Pedrotti

City Council Place 2
·       I support our Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department 100% and I will do anything in my power to make sure they are allowed to continue their excellent mission.
·       I support a realistic and viable plan to repair and maintain our roads and alleyways.  The voters deserve a clear and concise 20 – 30-year plan concerning the infrastructure of our city.   I will actively support and pursue the preparation of such a plan.
·       I believe that the people elected to represent the citizens of Windcrest should present themselves in a professional, civil and respectful manner.  

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