Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pedrotti For Council Place 2

Elect Joan Pedrotti to Windcrest City Council Place 2.  

Joan Pedrotti would be a welcome addition to the Windcrest City Council.  These are the quotes from her campaign literature.

Elect Joan Pedrotti

City Council Place 2
·       I support our Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department 100% and I will do anything in my power to make sure they are allowed to continue their excellent mission.
·       I support a realistic and viable plan to repair and maintain our roads and alleyways.  The voters deserve a clear and concise 20 – 30-year plan concerning the infrastructure of our city.   I will actively support and pursue the preparation of such a plan.
·       I believe that the people elected to represent the citizens of Windcrest should present themselves in a professional, civil and respectful manner.  

Violation of Ordinance concerning Political Signs

  Below is the Ordinance concerning Political Signs.  The Ordinance clearly states :  "within the city and may not be erected, used or installed more than 20 days preceding the commencement of early voting for the election or 20 days "  So why are those Black Signs already out?  Because two sitting council persons and the other voted off council last year continue to "Strut their Stuff," "Thumb their Noses," and "Do what they Darn Well Please."  The Mayor supports their Antics so they are a protected class. 
Sec. 109-19. - Political signs and temporary signs for church and nonprofit organization events.
Temporary signs for church and nonprofit organization events. Permits for temporary signs not exceeding 32 square feet which comply with the requirements of this chapter shall be issued without charge for church and nonprofit organization events.
Political signs defined. Political signs are signs which advocate or support one or more candidates for elective office, or causes, positions, beliefs or views.
Mobile signs for political campaigns are prohibited. Mobile, portable or vehicular political signs, except bumper stickers, are prohibited. Political signs that are transported from one location to another must be covered during transport so the message cannot be seen.
Placement of political signs and church and nonprofit organization signs on public property.
Political signs and temporary church and nonprofit organization event signs may not be placed on public property owned or controlled by the city, except in the following locations:
Median of Windway.
Medians of Eaglecrest.
Median of Windrock.
Median of Windsor Hill between Fourwinds and Windsor-Cross.
Two small islands in Crestway.
Drainage ditch between Crestwind and Crosswind.
With the express consent of the adjacent private real property owner, the front yard extension over the public right-of-way between the front property line of private real property and the curb of the street in front of such private real property.
With the express consent of the adjacent private real property owner, the side yard extension over the public right-of-way between the side property line of corner private real property and the curb of the street on the side of such private real property.
Takas Park on the grassy area a distance of ten feet from the curb south of the community center and the two curbed planting islands east of the community center.
Such signs must relate to scheduled elections or an event held by a church or nonprofit organization located within the city and may not be erected, used or installed more than 20 days preceding the commencement of early voting for the election or 20 days preceding the church or nonprofit organization event to which the sign pertains and shall be removed no later than 48 hours after the conclusion of the election or the event to which the sign pertains. Such signs may not exceed four square feet in area. Such signs may not be illuminated or have any moving elements, or extend over sidewalks or driveways.
Consent of private property owner required for placement of political signs and church and nonprofit organization signs. Political signs and church or nonprofit organization signs may not be located on private real property without the consent of the occupant. Such signs must be freestanding. Such signs on private real property may not be larger than 36 square feet, no higher than eight feet, have no moving elements or be illuminated.