Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Racker Road Has Issues

  1. WEDC discussed Change Orders during the WEDC board meeting on July 27th, 2013.  There are over 110 Change Orders concerning the contract for Racker Road
  2. Mr Bray, the engineer for the project explained the status of several disputed change orders.  The work has been accomplished said Mr. Bray, only the $ amount charged is being  disputed. 
  3. J3 (the contractor) submitted a  Change Order for $200,000 citing delays caused by Rack Space, thru no fault of J3.  Mr. Bray indicated the contract allows for additional time for construction delays, but not additional money.  Obliviously this position is being challenged by J3.  This may become an issue during the final closing of the Racker Road Project said Mr. Bray.
  4. House keeping.  The contract calls for J3 to clear the construction site of all materials.  Seems there is some $5000 worth of pipe, concrete man holes, covers etc in a fenced in area already paid for that will not be used.  The board told Mr. Bray, move it, suggesting maybe Windcrest Public Works maintenance yard.  J3 said we can do that but the charge will be $4,000.  Mr. Bray said the contract calls for J3 to remove the material from the site.  The contract does not indicate Windcrest can specify where to move excess construction materials.
  5. Water valves ($14,000) were returned for $10,000 credit,  a net loss of $4,000 to WEDC.  No mention of any credit being received or cost reduction for Not having to dig trenches across the road bed for the pipes leading to those valves.  The plans for those valves were “Red Lined” by SAWS prior to Road construction.  Construction cost for digging trenches, laying pipes across the road bed was never performed.  Why no mention of a cost reduction?
  6. Park Road not being constructed.  Rack Space has decided not to construct Park Road.  Rack Space did fund a portion of Racker Road, I believe they were to pay for Park Road and the Park, but never the less Park Road was part of the Racker Road Project.  I cannot determine if this is just delayed or terminated.  Makes good sense they would delay Park Road until all of those trees are transplanted into the Park area, then build the Park Road.  Otherwise the process of moving those huge tree from the tree farm might tear up a Park Road.  That’s my idea, nothing official reason for the decision not to build the Park Road.
  7. During the July 27th 2013 WEDC meeting the discussion was intense at times.  One thing was clearly stated.  The Racker Road project is 100% WEDC!  We, the WEDC own the property, Rack Space is a tenant.  This (WEDC) Board gives you marching orders to follow, not Rack Space said Mr. Maloney, WEDC board president.  Mr. Maloney went on to state "If it were up to me I would fire the both of you tonight."
  8. WEDC bid the project, WEDC hired an engineer to oversee the day to day progress, WEDC owns the property, WEDC is in charge of the Racker Road project (see #7) , BUT, Rack Space decides not build Park Road, a portion of Racker Road Project.    You gotta ask, who is really in charge?

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