Thursday, November 1, 2018

Windcrest Plot Thickens More Suspicious Dollars

 Remember the City asking the EDC for payment of a $145,000 loan?  The EDC did not know anything about any such Loan.  None of the Board members offered any explaniation for the City email requesting repayment of the $145,000 loan.

  Now we discover the EDC received $250,000 from a developer.  This seems to have evaded the annual audit or else buried the item to disguise the transaction.

  How does a $250,000 check come to the City and go unnoticed?  Like the $145,000 loan, this happened a few years ago, but the records or few.  No one is remembering anything.

 Sue Alexander, the EDC President and the Water District Board President denies any knowledge of the $145,000 loan.  To date Sue Alexander has not responded to this new development of the EDC receiving $250,000.  Where did it go?  Why no records?

Sue Alexander is runing for re-election to the Water Board.  The EDC $250,000 and $145,000 is small potatoes compared to an upcoming $7 MILLION Water Board Bond.  Actually they call it a Revenue Note as it does not require a citizens vote, the Board passes a Revenue Note.  Sue Alexander has some explaining to do before asking for re-election.  Windcrest does not need more suspicious funds of any kind.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Windcrest Fire Dept Bond Info

Councilman Shelton proposed $2 million for a ladder truck be added to his motion for 7.4 million steet repair bond.

He then asked the Fire Chief if you could buy a ladder truck for$2 million.  The answer was yes.  Motion passed.. 

   Yes, you can spend $2 million on a ladder truck, it all depends on the configuration and options you order for a ladder truck.  Ladder trucks are available with a mulititude of optional equipment and various configurations.  The FD never got a quote at all.

The FD was not asked to provide the options they deem necessary for a ladder truck, which then you ask for quote.  That would be the basis for the Bond amount. 

  In previous years the Volunteer Fire Association (the fund raising arm) raised money to purchase fire trucks.  The last Fire Truck purchase was $600,000, the Fire Association provided $300,000 and the city provide the other 50%.

 The "Three" fired the Volunteer Fire Association and approved the "Bugle Crew" to do the fund raising.  For the past two years a total of less than $30,000 has been collected

  The  "Three" on council have refused to allow the Volunteer Fire Association to do ANY fund raising.  No Picnic, No Gala, and Christmas is just around the corner. 

  The Volunteer Fire Association could raise sufficiant funds to purchase a ladder truck in a very short order.  The "Three" are dead set on Bonds to place the city in debt.

  A Flyer is being proposed
Q. If the Bonds pass will my ad valorem taxes increase?
A: Yes.  minimum of  .1138 cents per 100 evaluation. 
    (The total would be aprox $227 Tax Increast on a 200K home, $169 of that for 20 Years)

The projected Bond interest rate was estimated to be 4.5%  Yet the example provide that shows the project tax increase was based on 4.0%  Bond Interest rate.  At the low end of 4% Windcrest would pay $5,000,000 Million in Interest!   

The Fire Department will need a Ladder Truck, but the process needs to be approached properly, not pulling numbers out of a hat. 

 Remember, the Volunteer Fire Association (fund raising arm) has been denied Fund Raising for TWO YEARS, by City Council.

  Hopefully the new council seated in Nov will approve the Volunteer Fire Association's agreement and by-laws so they can have a successful Christmas Fill the Boot drive and raise funds for a new Ladder truck.  Even a short term lease on a small ladder truck would be better than long term DEBT.

Vote NO on the Street Bond,

Vote NO on the FD Bond.

There are much better alternatives available.


Friday, October 5, 2018

Pay as you Go- Without Bonds

Vote NO on Propositkon 1, Street Bond.  Read the suggested alternative outlined below.
Alternative to Bond
Normal street fund each year.
Decrease WEDC by 1/8%
Gary Cain's ibc bank cd
Reduce current Dept spending by 10%
Ad valorem received by adding the .11 cents like the Bond would have
Projected Increased sales taxes due to Qtrip etc
increased property tax new construction
Available for Streets year 1

Note the $736,958 is the NET gain of adding the .11 cents as if Bond was in place.

That’s nearly $2,000.000  Milion Dollars in year 1 WITHOUT a Bond.
Remember, the proposed Street Bond is $7.4 Million for 20 YEARS that will cost $4 Million in INTEREST alone.  That’s $4 Million we can use to repair streets without the Bond.  Vote NO

The Auditor’s report has a section on City Debt.  The Auditors stated Windcrest has debt.  Large sums of dollars are deducted day one of each budget year to pay for Leased items.  That is Debt Folks, the Auditors detailed the debt in their report.

Our Debt Free city has $91,100 deducted day one of each budget year for the Leased Park Lighting.  That will be paid off in 2021.  So add this $91,100 to the Streets.

Our Debt Free city has $42,000 Leased Street Sweeper, annual payments day one of budget year.

Approving the Volunteer Fire Association By-Laws and Agreement will enable the Fire Association to resume collecting funds for Fire Department Equipment.  Remember, this was placed on Hold for all of 2017 and 2018.  This was a very costly needless delay by the council majority.  Had the VFA been allowed to continue fund raising in 2017 and 2018 they could have easily raised sufficient fund for a replacement ladder truck.  
Remember, this Fire Association donated $300,000 towards the last new vehicle purchased by the Fire Department. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hot Windcrest City Council Attorney Selection

   Windcrest City Council called a SPECIAL council meeting to select a City Attorney.  The meeting was called when on the 3 outgoing councilman could attend.  Yes, those outgoing 3 will pick a City Attorney Monday morning at 10 am.  Rest assured the selection will have a connection to these three deadbeats. 
  The retiring City Attorney said he would continue filing in until a new attorney was selected.  That was not good enough for these 3 deadbeats.  They gathered the applications,  which no one else has seen, culled out the applications above their candidate, now they are ready to vote Monday.
  These three deadbeats should have silently descended into oblivion, but no, they have to take one more dig. 
  Don't forget, the three deadbeats pushed the $11 Million Dollar Street Bond.  Remember to Vote NO on the street bond, that bond is for 7 Streets,  Yes, only 7 streets.  Plus you get additional taxes for the next 20 years to pay off the Bond.  Very BAD deal.  These three deadbeats have a connection with the Bond people and will be rewarded handsomely for their efforts. 
 Pass or Fail, just the Bond process to this point, already netted them nice rewards. 
  The Elections are near, Think about this: 
    This Proposition 1, Street Bond only repairs 7 streets.  Your taxed will increase tremendously for the next 20 years.  PLUS residents will still need to repair the other streets.  What is the Plan for fixing the other streets? 

  Another observation is several proposed streets have been repaird multiple times since 2004.  The streets in Windcrest DO NOT last 20 years.  So passing a $7.4 Million Street Bond which will take 20 years to pay off, those same repaired streets will need repairs before the Bond is paid off.  What then?


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Ex Windcrest Councilman-NO Clue

  Windcrest Springbrook Senior Development Investors from Chicago will not like the headlines.  The San Antonio Express news reported that Windcrest recall petition has signature of dead people!  John Gretz, the recall petition chairman said he has "No Clue", throw them out, I guarantee there will still be enough forged signatures to qualify this petition.
  John Gretz, Ron Armes and Michael  Eyhorn maintain they did nothing wrong.   But Windcrest has several Texas Rangers, FBI agents, Bexar county law enforcement investigating right now.  

WOAI Interviews July 24, 2018
John Gretz Petition Committee Chair= ex-Windcrest Councilman
Citizen Angry

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

"I'm Not Happy" says Windcrest Petition Chair

WOAI interviewed a citizen, the Mayor and the Petition Chair about a current recall petition. The Mayor says he nor his wife signed any petitions.  No one could speak for the two deceased persons that signed the petitions or how the signatures were obtained.

After the links there is a list of names and addresses found on the July 2018 petition.

WOAI Interviews July 24, 2018
John Gretz
Mary Hatch

 Citizens comments to Council and McFall’s response

McFall trashed citicens comments in response July 16-2018

Jan 22 Busy Springbrook Senior Developer tells council what he does not like  Jan 22 Busby does not like
Jan 22, Busby reads a letter from Investors about not moving forward Jan 22 Reads Investor’s letter
Councilman Shelton stating another Recall will happen  Jan 22 Shelton will be another Recall
Councilman McFall stating there will be Revenge Jan 22 McFall there will be Revenge
Councilman Jacobi asks for Investigation into web, blog, FB Jacobi asks for Investigation
WEDC Springbrook Senior Living Development Project Resolution not Ready, yet it was already attached to the City Council agenda for the next morning. Irv= Resolution not ready- simple
Councilman Shelton drafts his own version of Quik Trip Ordinance & it’s not 24 hours
Irv Gerrow explains how Springbrook Developers will require materials staged materials & $900k
Wedc President Sue Alexander reads statement & says NEISD is NOT… Jun 14 wedc open comments re NEISD NOT
WEDC President, Springbrook PH says Windcrest will only lost $3,326 but actually it’s $3million WEDC Sue- Public Hearing lose $3,326 dollars
A huge collection of City Council video clips on uTube.

McFall responds to Hob July 16-2018
WOAI Interviews July 24, 2018
John Gretz
Mary Hatch

lname fname Address Street
- - - -
- - - -
Leon Celesta 302 ??
Tuttle Diena 8614 Autum Sunset
Tuttle Hugh 8614 Autum Sunset
Bailey Ruby Jane 8622 Autum Sunset
Fritz Ruty 602 Balfour
Fritz Michael 602 Balfour
Anderson Liz 409 Balfour
Anderson Norman 409 Balfour
Anderson Libeth 409 Balfour
Click Mary 522 Balfour
Brem David 525 Balfour
Brem Katie 525 Balfour
Brem Rachael 525 Balfour
Brem Rebecca 525 Balfour
Dreyer Stephanie 525 Balfour
Boulleux ? Loyce 634 Balfour
Ruth Charles 637 Balfour
Fritz Ruth 602 Balfour
Burleson Kendall 718 Balfour
Burleson Sharon 718 Balfour
Hansford John 717 Balfour
Hansford Latoi 717 Balfour
Miller Katie 8539 Bayou Bend
Miller Horace 8539 Bayou Bend
Garcia Carlos 5910 Bayou Bend
Spoon Shelby 5910 Bayou Bend
Garcia Tara 5910 Bayou Bend
Valdez Desidro? 8628 Bluegrass
Valdez Sandra 8626 Bluegrass
Mambo Gerara 9133 Bonny Brook
Brown Joseph 9117 Bonnybrook
Brown Mark ? 414 Bronzeglo
Luskus Carol 402 Bronzeglo
Luskus Leonard 402 Bronzeglo
Andrade Flora 409 Bronzeglo
Brown Diane 414 Bronzglo
Ohlsen Chong 5910 Brookfalls
Ohlsen Dean 5910 Brookfalls
Rohleder Eunice 405 Candleglo
Rohleder William 405 Candleglo
Walters Noel 8815 Cattail
Giddings Gina 8802 Cattail Creek
Lewis Mary 8810 Cattail Creek
Cockerham Rickey 8803 Cattail Creet
Diaz David 8803 CattailCreek
Piercej James 318 Cloudmont
Patino Miguel 222 Cloudmount
Cupp John 313 Cloudmount
Piercej James 318 Cloudmount
Stewart Lewis 325 Cloudmount
Kedricks Dominic 201 Cloudmount
Hinton Robert 302 Cloudmount
Castro Amanda 410 Cloudmount
Gomes John 9418 Corto Circle
Daniels Elsie 8401 Corto Circle
Daniels James 8401 Corto Circle
Daniels Jamon 8401 Corto Circle
Smith Demetrice 8401 Corto Circle
Smith Roshunda 8401 Corto Circle
Glowka Carolyn 8402 Corto Circle
Cummings Don 6027 Crescent Falls
Carter Terri 5903 Crescent Falls
Roberson Mary 533 Crestway
Pepi Dayla 605 Crestway
Golindo Redro 631 Crestway
Sanders Richard 638 Crestway
Alexander Bertie 630 Crestway
Hunter Chesney 630 Crestway
Mosly Guen 779 Crestway
Scheibler Gale 506 Crestway
Alexander Robert 606 Crestway
Banks Grace 550 Crestway
Granklin antoinette 550 Crestway
Buenero Debra 601 Crestway
Bunero Eddie 601 Crestway
R?yna Laura 786 Crestway
Falsario Karen 782 Crestway
Escobar Salome 778 Crestway
Mosley Enuice 779 Crestway
Ray Charles 671 Crestway
Ray Rubye 671 Crestway
Moss Beatrice 772 Crestway
Leal Dolores 521 Crestway
Leal Marcial 521 Crestway
Gutierrez Lsidro 609 Crestway
Gutierrez Kimberly 609 Crestway
Mong ? Jack 614 Crestway
Sanders Dee 638 Crestway
Sanders Dee 638 Crestway
Jacobs Debbie 639 Crestway
Jacobs Denfield 639 Crestway
Roby Louise 639 Crestway
Sanders Richard 638 Crestway
Lipscomb Lydia 610 Crestway
Lipscomb Michal 610 Crestway
Flellvet l ???? 642 Crestway
Kent Michael 622 Crestway
McFall Evdlinda 602 Crestway
Halter Hanne 325 Crestwind
Nortlan Ray 325 Crestwind
Vuireon Juan Manual 302 Crestwind
Eyhorn Michael 5530 Crosswind
Chavez Nubia 5507 Crosswind
Vasquez Juan 5522 Crosswind
Vasquez Monica 5522 Crosswind
Martinez Adrian 5546 Crosswind
Martinez - 5546 Crosswind
Bualeson Benjamin 6315 Cypress Creek
Egmon Pat 6303 Cypress Creek
Nichols Erin 6331 Cypress Creek
Kirkpatrick Caros 417 Dalecrest
Kirkpatrick Juanita 417 Dalecrest
Castillo Dinora 422 Dalecrest
Lewis Mark 426 Dalecrest
Vazquez Maria 209 Driftwind
Hay Holly 213 Driftwind
Hay Jareod 213 Driftwind
Hay Jonn 213 Driftwind
Hay Melvin 213 Driftwind
Reed Barbara 218 Driftwind
Reed :es;oe 218 Driftwind
Wallace Keali 8626 Eag;ecrest
Briones Alicew 8507 Eaglecrest
Perryman Bobby 8527 Eaglecrest
Fry Tresa 8531 Eaglecrest
Wallace Daniella 8626 Eaglecrest
Brady Shirley 429 Faircrest
Brady David 429 Faircrest
Abrams Fred 414 Faircrest
Abrams Sharon 414 Faircrest
Delavega Helena 414 Faircrest
Brady David 429 Faircrest
Baray Shirley 429 Faircrest
Chase Bianna 601 Fawndale
Jones Leroy 601 Fawndale
Juarez Bernardo 217 Fenwich
Peck  ?? Scott 413 Fenwick
GlertZ Clinton 413 Fenwick
Powell Otis 626 Fenwick
Weber James 366 Fenwick
Weber Kriston 366 Fenwick
Weber Suzane 366 Fenwick
Kelley Rpbert 377 Fenwick
Tong Joseph 390 Fenwick
Bourne Matthew 409 Fenwick
Wodsen Beverly 409 Fenwick
Fellows Youmg-ok 209 Fenwick
Sherell David 217 Fenwick
Gordon Gail 221 Fenwick
Gordon Michael 221 Fenwick
Balderas Rebecca 226 Fenwick
Juarez Maria 325 Fenwick
Mead John 330 Fenwick
Mead John 330 Fenwick
Mead Katherine 330 Fenwick
McIntyre Margie 338 Fenwick
McIntyre Raymond 338 Fenwick
Puente Ana 338 Fenwick
Oribe David 354 Fenwick
Harper Jimmy ? 416 Fenwick
Seals Arva ? 433 Fenwick
Seals Irs w 433 Fenwick
Desski Ryszual ?? 337 Fenwick
Walkup Sandra 361 Fenwick
Dardu Tonisheea ? 361 Fenwick
GoForth Christine 213 Fenwick
Tong Amanda 390 Fenwick
Wieston Belinda 1902 Francis Drake
???/ ???? 1905 Francis Drake
Buertello Rudy 1911 Francis Drake
Chapel Richard 1915 Francis Drake
Marrow Melonie 1917 Francis Drake
Cloutier William 1924 Francis Drake
Hicks Lisa 5445 Galewind
Harpson Robert 5633 Galewind
Fisher Troy 5637 Galewind
Fisher - 5637 Galewind
Fisher Robert 5637 Galewind
Fricke Richard 8702 Golden View
Fricke Mary 8702 Golden View
Brinkley Toni 8711 Golden View
Brinkley Tom 8711 Golden View
Mahide Steve 721 Golfcrest
Mahide Carol 721 Golfcrest
Bruno M ???? 502 Golfcrest
Bruno Niane????? 502 Golfcrest
Maloney Michael 510 Golfcrest
Velez-Rodriquez Awilda 626 Golfcrest
Muzny Marylin 638 Golfcrest
Perez Albert 433 Golfcrest
Perez Mary 433 Golfcrest
Perez? Mary Helen 432 Golfcrest
Cortez Jennifer 6226 Hickory Hollow
Cortez Patrick 6226 Hickory Hollow
Becker Richard 6230 Hickory Hollow
Becker Patricia 6230 Hickory Hollow
Johnson Lyle 6206 Hickory Hollow
Johnson Joyce 6206 Hickory Hollow
Shirani Khan 6222 Hickory Hollow
Shirani Patricia 6222 Hickory Hollow
Arnicar Ann 6306 Hidden Hollow
Turner Lauren 1300 James Cook
Turner Jacqueline 1300 James Cook
Turner Gregory 1300 James Cook
Reynolds Thomas 1302 James Cook
Mathis Carig 1310 James Cook
Nguyen Denny 1315 James Cook
Erickson Rosalinda 6334 Lakewood Pk
Sahck Ruby 1302 Magellan
Sanadin Nicole 1208 Magellan
Stephens Scott 1206 Magellan
Ray Angela 1200 Magellan
Lumpkin Lisa 1104 Magellan
Lunpkil John 1104 Magellan
Hulkah Erna 1104 Magellan
Harris Willie 1100 Magellan
Harris II Willie 1100 Magellan
Harris Henrietta 1100 Magellan
Madison Janis 1106 Magellan
Holmes Jimmy 1306 Magellan
Holmes Lelia 1306 Magellan
S???? ????? 1309 ? Magellan
Dean Kelvin 1312 Magellan
Baxter Frank 1307 Magellan
Maning Gu ??? 1211 Magellan
Brown Sharon 1217 Magellan
Fitzgerald Bubpha 1207 Magellan
Ray Lucy 1200 Magellan
Gooper Sherly 1109 Magellan
Cooper Billy 1109 Magellan
Taylor Raven 1102 Magellan
Jackson Harvey 1101 Magellan
Norris Zakiya 1004 Magellan
Lathan Jphn 1108 Magellan
Lathan Mary 1108 Magellan
Golding Bancroft 1922 Marco Polo
Ortiz Miguel 1916 Marco Polo
Jimenez Edna 1905 Marco Polo
Jimenez Oscar 1908 Marco Polo
Callison Gary 1901 Marco Polo
King Charles 1903 Marco Polo
King Chantee 1903 Marco Polo
Ellis-Kyle Vernadette 1911 Marco Polo
Kyle Ricard 1911 Marco Polo
Jackson Gail 6318 Meadow Grove
Jackson Bill 6318 Meadow Grove
Newverger Sarah 6322 Meadow Grove
Houston Edward 205 Melody Lane
Mulky Kathleen 209 Melody Lane
Zepeda Leonard 209 Melody Lane
Mathew Paul 225 Melody Lane
Martinez Jose 5202 Metcalf
Robieinik Guadalupe 5218 Metcalf
Martinez Maria 5202 Metcalf
Martinez Jose 5202 Metcalf
O'Haver Lonnie 8702 Midcrown
Rose Howard 8710 Midcrown
Carlson Christopher 8710 Midcrown
Carlson Teresa 8710 Midcrown
Rose Myrtis 8710 Midcrown
Pritchett Scott 8738 Midcrown
Witherspoon Norma 8802 Midcrown
Rose Howard 8710 Midcrown
    8710 Midcrown
Hines Leslie 514 Moorside
Hines Kenneth 514 Moorside
Yakubik Lynn 505 Moorside
Trumpower John 502 Moorside
Trumpower Linda 502 Moorside
Endicoff James 509 Moorside
Reese Daniel 717 Moorside
Reese Frances 717 Moorside
Chittick John 618 Moorside
Chittick Ruby 618 Moorside
Ipoc Brian 601 Moorside
White Clarence 702 Moorside
Gomez Nadia 634 Moorside
Jones Thomas 626 Moorside
Mendez Guillero? 633 Moorside
Vinhke Vinh 1315 Murry
Harrison Bonita 1211 Murry Winn
Harrison Will 1211 Murry Winn
Cruz Ofelie 1109 Murry Winn
Cramberg Esevan 1109 Murry Winn
Huynh Quam 1317 Murry Winn
Ross Clifton 1305 Murry Winn
Gomez Rogelio 1306 Murry Winn
Richards Flov 1301 Murry Winn
Valenia Christine 1300 Murry Winn
Levy Shannan 1319 Murry Winn
Richards Fernando 1301 Murry Winn
Martin Nigel 1208 Murry Winn
Santafield Jenell 9302 Northbend
Santafield John 9302 Northbend
Walkem Fredrick 9306 Northbend
Walkem Sue 9306 Northbend
Zulaica Bill 5927 Northgap
Zulaica Rachel 5927 Northgap
Zulaica John 5927 Northgap
Baxter Juanita 6910 Northgap
Eldridge Jay 5914 Northgap
Eldridge Debie 5914 Northgap
Eldridge Rose 5914 Northgap
Eldridge Seau Paul 5914 Northgap
Barrera Vumyjos 5902 Northgap
Lysoght Florence 5845 Northgap
Cruz Joe 6007 Northgap
Shoer Tom 8707 Pintail Point
Shoer Roxie 8707 Pintail Point
Lopez Manny 1924 Ponce Deleon
Wrather Tony 1902 Ponce Deleon
Wrather Sherri 1902 Ponce Deleon
Bray William 1918 Ponce Deleon
Alvarwz Eric 1916 Ponce DeLeon
Johnson ? Debra ? 1905 Ponce Deleon
Henderson Dor ?????? 1908 Ponce Deleon
Hyanes Mary 1906 Ponce Deleon
Hernandez Sofia 1306 Rene La Salle
Hernandez Antonio 1306 Rene La Salle
Alfaso Judy 658 Richfield
Hainline Shanna 658 Richfield
Rameriz Chris 605 Richfield
Gallegos Emma 605 Richfield
Diaz Juan 662 Richfield
Diaz Genardo 662 Richfield
Diaz Ivonne 662 Richfield
Diaz Luis 662 Richfield
Diaz Jr. Gerardo 662 Richfield
Ellis Larry 709 Richfield
Ellis Gayle 709 Richfield
Stuebben Tom 621 Richfield
Stuebben Mary 621 Richfield
Martinez Roberto 650 Richfield
Clifton Duane 654 Richfield
Woods James 741 Rocklyn
Woods Yvonne 741 Rocklyn
Guajardo Hector 733 Rocklyn
Guajardo Hector 733 Rocklyn
Janetakos Tom 702 Rocklyn
Garza Jaime/Dessi? 629 Rocklyn
Longona Aiyana 622 Rocklyn
Gohschalk Pam? 618 Rocklyn
Martine Ren?? 622 Rocklyn
Guajardo Genzalo 733 Rocklyn
Hays Ryan 605 Rocklyn
Taylor Betty 609 Rocklyn
Lewis Ruthie 1912 Sacagawea
Peters Austin 1914 Sacagawea
Peters Rachael 1914 Sacagawea
Williams Allen 1916 Sacagawea
Penn Pat 1918 Sacagawea
Akin Harrt 6218 Shady Brook
Bennett Larry 6102 Shady Creek
Lane Ann 430 Spaceway
Lane Julie 430 Spaceway
Gonzoles Richard   Spaceway
Workman Richard 442 Spaceway
Workman Edwin 442 Spaceway
Almodavar Sandra 8803 Spanish Moss
Almodavar Luis 8803 Spanish Moss
Westfahl George 8706 Spanish Moss
Streachan Richard 8614 Spanish Moss
Leaders Janice 6219 Spindrift
Leaders Stephen 6219 Spindrift
Laing Hergert 6210 Spindrift
Mrowczyoski Deboral 6206 Spindrift
Monestier Patrick 6207 Spindrift
Monestier Miriam 6207 Spindrift
Monestier Chris 6207 Spindrift
Anderson Charles 6214 Spindrift
Ashley Maynard 6218 Spindrift
Ashley Alba 6218 Spindrift
Wilson Gwen 509 SunHaven
Swisher Joseph 8714 Teal Way
Swisher Fields Sharon 8714 Teal Way
Fields Jasmine 8714 Teal Way
Navarro Jara ? 8710 Teal Way
Navarro Abel 8710 Teal Way
Lynch Alexander 8711 Tealway
Wilson Charles 1943 Walter Raleigh
Armes Ronald 1941 Walter Raleigh
Armes Justina 1941 Walter Raleigh
Roddy Brandon 1927 Walter Raleigh
Pendarus Layoya 1939 Walter Raleigh
Pendarus Briana 1939 Walter Raleigh
Washington Terrell 1939 Walter Raleigh
Armes Logan 1941 Walter Raleigh
Robles Carlos 1945 Walter Raleigh
Cau Uyen 1907 Walter Raliegh
Karam Brenda 518 Waxing
Mason Pearlie 521 Waxing Circle
Mason Richard 521 Waxing Circle
Tavarez Abel 205 Weathercock
Neighbors Telouise 206 Weathercock
Romo Robun 206 Weathercock
Posey Moega 209 Weathercock
Pallozola Dawn 226 Weathercock
Pallozola Edward 226 Weathercock
Pallozola Margeret 226 Weathercock
Leith Gordon 245 Weathercock
Linduff Benjamin 334 Weathercock
Linduff Susan 334 Weathercock
Mayfield Maria 318 Weathercock
Schdub Ursla 721 Weatherly
Guzman Pablo 626 Weatherly
Guzman Mercia 626 Weatherly
DeHoyos Antonio 630 Weatherly
Scaub Horst 721 Weatherly
Schub Ursula 721 Weatherly
Rogers Randy 310 Westwind
Rogers Pamela 310 Westwind
Alexander David 317 Westwind Cir
Jones Hana 5914 Wildwind
Mills Jon 8835 Willmonway
Henderson Leroy 8402 Willow Cross
Pattison Neil 6019 Windbluff
Pattison Emma 6019 Windbluff
Adams Franklin 9201 Windboro
Adams Margo 9201 Windboro
Williams Charles 9217 Windboro
Aldape Emilia 9217 Windboro
Berman Mary 409 Windcrest
Noncivis-Perez Moayace?? 306 Windcrest
Brown William 418 Windcrest
Leon Albert 302 Windcrest ???
Gretz Rose 5802 Winding Ridge
Gretz Jun 5802 Winding Ridge
Cox Billy 5826 Winding Ridge
Cox King 5842 Windingridge
Guilbeau Joe 5842 Windingridge
Mylenbusch Thedore 754 Windrock
Ward Kay 725 Windrock
Sloan Marlene 745 Windrock
Sloan Magdalero 745 Windrock
Sloan Edwin 745 Windrock
Sloan Michael 745 Windrock
Crook Betty 717 Windrock
Ward George 725 Windrock
Sloan Michael 745 Windrock
Brotherton Eva 749 Windrock
Brotherton Gerald 749 Windrock
Brotherton Meredith 749 Windrock
Brotherton jr Gerald 749 Windrock
Stecher Anna Louise 8310 Windway
Stecher Edward 8310 Windway
Sanford Jane 8346 Windway
Keys Gary 8329 Windway
Niblack Yoshua 8330 Windway
Niblack Lauren 8330 Windway
Staples JC 5923 Windy Cove
Prater Ku 5910 Windy Cove
Braun Carol 5954 Windy Cove
Braun Christopher 5954 Windy Cove
Storms Ada 5918 Windy Cove
Jemdrem George 5918 Windy Cove
Smith Jamer Wiley 8506 Windy Cross
Staples Nona 5923 Windy Cv
Lawson Lorenzo 5733 Windy Hollow
Ellis M ??? 5705 Windy Hollow
Ellis Dan 5705 Windy Hollow
Neff Loraine ? 5709 Windy Hollow
Almendarez Leonard 5719 Windy Hollow
Bustamanto Corette 5730 Windy Hollow
Bustamanto Michael 5730 Windy Hollow
Eyhorn Dan 5705 Windy Hollow
Monestier Betty 6102 Windy Knoll
Dinnoe Douglas 6122 Windy Knoll
Matos Samuel 6118 Windy Knoll
Matos   6118 Windy Knoll
Rosania Nello 6115 Windy Knoll
Rosania Gloria 6115 Windy Knoll
Greenberg Qwilliam 6111 Windy Knoll
Greenbert Ernestine 6111 Windy Knoll
Munestier Cheia 6102 Windy Knoll
Acton Elibabeth 437 Winfield
Acton Steve 437 Winfield
Johnson Edith 441 Winfield
Calhoon Doug 733 Winfield
Wilborn Thomas 737 Winfield
Miller Wendall? 5922 Winterhaven
Miller Wendalyn 5922 Winterhaven
Brown Evelyn 5922 Winterhaven
Baker Gayle 422 Zephyr
Magallanez Miguel 3107 Zephyr
Mujica Amanda 217 Zephyr
Mujica Antionio 217 Zephyr
Wager Samuwl 230 Zephyr
Wager Stephan 230 Zephyr
Magallanez Alice 301 Zephyr
Johnson Billy 401 Zephyr
Valuable Information to Consider

Below are video clips from council meetings that tend to show how three councilmen are undermining the city government.  Plus several on the incentive package being considered for Springbrook Senior Living Campus.  Jan 22 Busby does not like Jan 22 Reads Investor’s letter  Jan 22 Shelton will be another Recall Jan 22 McFall there will be Revenge Jacobi asks for Investigation Irv= Resolution not ready- simple Jun 14 wedc open comments re NEISD NOT WEDC Sue- Public Hearing lose $3,326 dollars