Thursday, November 1, 2018

Windcrest Plot Thickens More Suspicious Dollars

 Remember the City asking the EDC for payment of a $145,000 loan?  The EDC did not know anything about any such Loan.  None of the Board members offered any explaniation for the City email requesting repayment of the $145,000 loan.

  Now we discover the EDC received $250,000 from a developer.  This seems to have evaded the annual audit or else buried the item to disguise the transaction.

  How does a $250,000 check come to the City and go unnoticed?  Like the $145,000 loan, this happened a few years ago, but the records or few.  No one is remembering anything.

 Sue Alexander, the EDC President and the Water District Board President denies any knowledge of the $145,000 loan.  To date Sue Alexander has not responded to this new development of the EDC receiving $250,000.  Where did it go?  Why no records?

Sue Alexander is runing for re-election to the Water Board.  The EDC $250,000 and $145,000 is small potatoes compared to an upcoming $7 MILLION Water Board Bond.  Actually they call it a Revenue Note as it does not require a citizens vote, the Board passes a Revenue Note.  Sue Alexander has some explaining to do before asking for re-election.  Windcrest does not need more suspicious funds of any kind.