Monday, June 4, 2018

Spring Brook Senior Living Campus - Windcrest

The Spring Brook Senior Living Campus developer briefed Windcrest city council on Jan 22, 2018
Spring Brook Retirement Center Video
  Note the total Investment amounts stated by the Developer Walt Busby.  Then look at the Windcrest Monthly newsletter and read councilman Jim Shelton's article. (portion pasted below)

.....concerning the Spring Brook Senior Living Development-Windcrest LLC. The 300 page study
and analysis is now projecting a nearly $160 MILLION investment from the development company. Of course ventures such as this (like Rackspace) will require financial incentives. Of all of the
people I have heard and talked to only one, I repeat only one has been against this project. The opposition was against the developer, not against the concept. I have personally met with the major
principles from Chicago-at their request. I believe we have a golden opportunity to create something of lasting benefit for our city. It’s time that we all work for the betterment of Windcrest.
Jim Shelton
Mayor Pro Tem