Thursday, September 21, 2017

Windcrest 2017 Elections Deja Vu

Have you been asked to “Remove”  Dan Reese signs from your yard by those driving around in golf carts?  Get your video camera/recorder ready, because it’s happening again!  Elections are weeks away and already it’s like Déjà vu in Windcrest. 
 These exerts below are from a Gilbert Garcia, Opinion columnist article when he wrote about Nasty Elections in Windcrest.
…The knock on Baxter is that he is a foul-mouthed bully who rewards his friends and punishes anyone who fails to meet his loyalty test.  Awhile back Baxter launched into a profanity-laced tirade and warned Vargas, “You decide who you’re going to be loyal to.”

..A nasty feud between forces aligned with and against Mayor Alan Baxter has escalated … with police being called in to settle political scores and the rhetoric getting uglier by the day.

..Bel McFall, the wife of councilman  James McFall, drove kids around Windcrest neighborhoods in a golf cart, so they could place fliers, consisting of harsh attacks against the anti-Baxter slate, on residents’ doors. When a resident started videotaping the kids, Bel McFall called the police.

…Timothy Wilson, the mayor of Kirby, ran against Baxter in a 2014 Republican primary for Bexar County Commissioner. Wilson said Bel McFall yelled at his wife at a Windcrest polling site, and Baxter supporters hurled so much abuse at his volunteers that Wilson had to hire a polling worker to protect them.

The pro-Baxter faction on the council consists of Gerd Jacobi, Jim Shelton, James McFall, Ricky Cockerham and Jan Leaders.

"Mad Rebel" Fiesta Medal

Another story  

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Windcrest Elections- Changes?

  Windcrest City Council has a Special Council Meeting this Friday at 10 am and the only agenda item is 2017 Elections.  What does the Council have in store for Windcrest Citizens?

  Stay tuned for the final chapter. Meanwhile you should attend to heard the discussion yourself.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

"Bring Me Their Heads"

  This is a recording of Windcrest  City Manager, Rafael Castillo telling the fire chief to bring me there heads.

This call was in reference to releasing several Volunteer Fireman that supported Baxter's opposition.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Bully? There is No Doubt Now

By Jeff B. Flinn, Staff writer; Herald.

Mayor Baxter said this about the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association WVFA:

 “The current association has one week to turn over all their books and records and be transparent, as they are supposed to be,” he warned. “If they refuse, we will start a new 501c3 or c4. It will be seamless. 

The Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association is already a 501c3 or c4!!  What is Baxter doing?

The WVFA attorney gave Windcrest  copies of Tax Returns for the past 3 years.  So much for Baxter's Statement, the Association did't file tax returns for several years.  FYI, the IRS removes your 501c status is you don't file Tax Returns.  

 GILBERT GARCIA OPINION COLUMNIST, wrote: "Things are nasty in Windcrest.
The knock on Baxter is that he is a foul-mouthed bully who rewards his friends and 
punishes anyone who fails to meet his loyalty test"

Baxter is sure acting like a bully NO Doubt!