Saturday, December 20, 2014

Rafael Castillo, City Manager in Street Fight

Windcrest stoops to a new low. Last Saturday, City Manager, Rafael Castillo and a Windcrest Citizen came to blows, right in front of Windcrest City Hall, of all places, under the Christmas Tree!
  Citizens indicate Rafael Castillo initiated a conversation with the Citizen about an unknown subject and during the conversation an exchange of blows ensued and the fight was on!  Very unprofessional conduct for a City Manager! The investigation (assuming there is one) report has not been released to date.
  Rafael Castillo should be seeking a position elsewhere for such behavior, but after all this is Windcrest.  Rafael is no stranger to resignations in lieu of discharge so stay tuned for further developments.
 Meanwhile, consider bringing a body guard if you plan on visiting Windcrest City Hall, Rafael is still employed.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Tangled Web of Deceit

  Have a look at the City budget expenditures.  Search for Ms Rebecca Cedillo, she is being paid every month for over a year @ $2750 per month.  She is a contractor, and her contract says 20 HOURS PER MONTH MAX.    Notice it does not say 20 hours, only a Max of 20 hours.  wow.

 She is being paid out of City funds, yet listed as reporting to the WEDC Director.  The Finance Director briefed council when her contract was extended that there was $24,000 already in the contractor line so no problem.    Would you find it Strange to know that that account still has $24,000 available,   Why, that can't be correct!  Yes it is, NOTHING spend this year to date from that sub code.  Don't be fooled by all the hot air about this administration being an open and transparent administration?  The real proof is already in the books and easily accessed.  Look at the Check Register listing, she is there.  But that does not show which account the money was charged, it just show the amount and date paid etc.

 That's because the expenses are being HIDDEN by paying this contractor from the Special Legal Fees account.  That way the books will never show a Contractor working and costing Windcrest $49,000 since being hired.

  The "Special Legal Fees" is what I would call a "Slush" fund.  Charge whatever you want to that account, no one will ever know.

  Not only does the current council condone this, they participated when they renewed her contract, which is going on 19 months at $2750.  You will not see her often about city hall.  The City Manager, Rafael Castillo is also involved as he dictates to the Finance Director as to which account to charge these expenses.

 This is NOT the only INAPPROPRIATE charge made to special legal fees, there is another smoking gun for later.

  It's time for a Changing of the Guard.  These shameful practices must be stopped and even replacing the CM with a competent CM.  

This CM is lost, this job is over his head for sure.  Of course he maybe getting coaching, but that is speculation.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Follow up, $600 for Water NOT $300 per Mayor!!

  Someone asked Council about the $600 for services and below is a response from Pam Dodson.  Seems those 2 invoices were for Water to fill the Pond.
So why not be open and transparent as they profess?  Simply say "Water", not services.
Oh yea, maybe because the Mayor stated very loudly during council that they had purchased an additional acre foot of water from the Golf Course for $200, Rafael corrected him that he thought it was $250, then Mayor then said Well $300 for 1 acre foot.
 Take this for what it's worth, but the books are being prepared to shore up their stories.

  As Paul Harvey use to say, "Now you have the rest of the Story". Good Day.

From Pam Dodson
To: xxxxxx
I am glad to see that before you post something on your facebook page, you verify its accuracy. You might want to post an accurate comment to the blog you received this from.
Those items you mentioned were payments to the golf club for the purchasing of water so we could refill the Takas Park pond.  As you are well aware, the water district would not allow us to use city water.
Thank you for your inquiry,
 Pamela Dodson


Monday, October 6, 2014

Windcrest Golf Course Free Meals?

  This administration paid the Windcrest Golf Course $600 for "Services"  No description at all in the purchase orders, or the Invoices, could this be a tab for meals.  We have this occurring in Windcrest right under the noses of the current City Council.  Jake Jacobi, Jim Shelton and Pam Dodson are currently on council and simply smile and profess they are open and transparent,  probably while having free services on the tax payers expense at the Golf Course.

 The Public Works Dept submits  Purchase Order for good or services.
Order No 14-498 requests states
"March Service" for $300.  (That's it, no other description)
Vendor: Windcrest Golf Course

The Windcrest Golf Course Invoice states:
Item:  Misc
Description : blank except for Sales Tax   Total: $300.00

Submitting a purchase order simply with the word "Services" is pretty lame.  This purchase order would not get far in my world.

What Services?  Daily Lunch specials for the Council and Mayor maybe?  Maybe free rounds of Golf (with cart) for City Hall.  Who knows.  What do you think?

OK, you say someone made a mistake.  Right.  Lets try that again

Purchase Order 14-499
"April Service"  $300.00  (same as before, heck it worked before...dah)
Vendor: Windcrest Golf Course

Windcrest Golf Course Invoice states"
Item Misc..$300

Both Invoices were Paid!  That should speak volumes about this administration.  This really smells too, because the Golf Course must be in on the ruse.  Why can't they just be honest?  Detail what the Service was for pete sake.  The Golf Course manager should know better too,

  We should not be paying for Free meals at the Golf Course.

Vote for Dan Reese, Henry Moncada and Mike Scott to straighten this mess out before it gets really bad.